Beach Flag Warnings: Enjoy the Water and Be Informed
By Forgotten Coast Web Team | September 24, 2020

Have you ever noticed the colored flag waving as you approach St. George Island, Carrabelle Beach, or Alligator Point? Do you know what that flag and its color represent?
At the Forgotten Coast, we want your vacation to be fun-filled and peaceful, and we also want to be sure that you are safe while you are enjoying our lovely beaches. Safety should be your top priority, as well.
Franklin County is determined to give you access to the information you need to make an informed decision about swimming in our emerald waters.
What do the beach flags mean?
The beach warning flags are there to alert swimmers to the water’s condition.
DOUBLE RED FLAG: Very dangerous, water closed to public use
RED FLAG: High Hazard, no swimming
YELLOW FLAG: Medium Hazard, exercise caution
GREEN FLAG: Low Hazard, caution still advised
PURPLE FLAG: Dangerous marine life
Where can I get flag warning information if I don’t see a beach flag?
If you don’t see one of the colored flags flying, you can go to the Franklin County Parks and Recreation website to see present conditions.
It may be a disappointment not to take a swim or to call your children out of the surf until conditions change, but it is the right thing to do. At this point, you can just switch to another enjoyable activity on the beach: sandcastle building, shell hunting, frisbee, walking on the beach, etc.
In Florida, we are used to conditions turning on a dime and then changing back just as quickly. It can get dark and pour rain and then give way to sunny blue skies in five minutes or less. In the same way, the water can go from calm to dangerous or dangerous to calm. Stay informed, be safe, and wait it out if conditions are not suitable and safe for swimming.
Searching for an unforgettable beach vacation? Visit the Forgotten Coast! All of our charming coastal communities are open for business and ready for visitors. Book your trip today!